Children learning to create art at the Petaluma Arts Center.

Learn at PAC

Petaluma Arts Center (PAC) offers K-12 schools an education program designed to engage students with the visual arts through interactive and immersive experiences. Students develop respect for their peers' opinions by considering different perspectives in a supportive environment where every student's voice is heard. Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) and hands-on art lessons are the key components of our education program.  

A community without art is hollow.

Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) Sessions

VTS sessions are designed to create a collaborative learning environment where students build on each other's ideas.

VTS is a research-based teaching method that uses art to foster critical thinking, communication, and observational skills. During school field trips to PAC, students engage with artworks through guided discussions. Trained VTS facilitators ask open-ended questions, such as:

  • "What’s going on in this picture?"

  • "What do you see that makes you say that?"

  •  "What more can we find?"

Benefits of Visual Thinking Strategies:

  • Encourages Observation: Students learn to observe details they might have overlooked

  • Promotes Evidence-Based Reasoning: VTS asks students to support their interpretations with evidence from the artwork

  • Cultivates Open-Mindedness: Students learn to appreciate diverse viewpoints

  • Activates Listening: Students practice listening to other interpretations which enhances collaborative and communication skills

Children engaging with art at the Petaluma Arts Center gallery.

Art Lessons
In addition to VTS, a school field trip includes a hands-on art lesson led by experienced instructors who complement the themes and techniques observed during the VTS discussions. Students experiment with various art mediums and create their own artworks.

School Tours

Looking for a chance to get your students (and YOU) out of the classroom and excited about art?

Celebrate Back to School with a field trip to the Petaluma Arts Center (PAC) this fall. PAC is pleased to continue its school field trips for classes to view exhibitions and participate as small groups in Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS). VTS is a guided way to look at and talk about art based on three questions, starting with "What's going on in this picture?" Students are encouraged to express their own opinions about the art. This tried-and-true process encourages critical thinking; it is amazing to watch all the students, even the quietest ones, feel empowered to share their observations.

Field trips last approximately 90 minutes. If teachers wish to bring snacks or lunch, it's possible to add that time onto the field trip.

“This is the best day ever! The sun is shining and I get to do art!”

–VTS student

Petaluma Arts Center volunteers guide seniors through a Visual Thinking Strategy exercise.

Creative Aging Program

Bringing VTS-based discussions about art to local assisted-living or senior housing venues is a worthwhile and stimulating experience for older adults. Also, seniors in local memory-care facilities have benefited from the kind of creative expression sparked by the initial question: "What's going on in this picture?".

Unlike the typical "UnPACking Art" events at Petaluma Arts Center where attendees are in a gallery setting, attendees in Creative Aging visits are provided individual handouts of the images to be discussed so that all participants can have their own up-close view, addressing both mobility and vision challenges.

Visual Thinking Strategies are used in PAC’s Creative Aging Program. Participating in activities that foster creative engagement and skills mastery in a social environment has positive psychological, physical, and emotional health benefits for older adults. Under the umbrella of Creative Aging, Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) has gone mobile. Trained VTS guides visit local senior centers and introduce residents to new ways of seeing and talking about art. The discussion is often energizing and empowering. It is designed to make art accessible and thought-provoking. Our VTS team of volunteers have increased accessibility by reproducing artworks on extra-large laminated cards, transforming our VTS program into a mobile program focusing on older adults.

Seniors in local memory-care facilities have benefited from the kind of creative expression sparked by the initial question: "What's going on in this picture?" Each senior is given individual handouts of the images to be discussed so that all participants can have their own up-close view, addressing both mobility and vision challenges.

Try it out!

You can experience VTS at the Petaluma Senior Center once a month, everyone is welcome. 

  • When: Last Wednesday of Every Month

  • Where: The Petaluma Senior Center at 211 Novak Drive. 

  • Time: 1:00PM

Free event, no RSVP is required!

Want us to come to you?

You can complete the form in the link below to book a date for Creative Aging to come to your facility.