Join PAC and Petaluma People Services Center,
1,000 Petaluma Bowls, directly supports PPSC programs that bring healthy meals to our community’s most vulnerable and food insecure individual.
You choose a bowl to paint for a donation of $20.00. Please bring cash to paint a bowl.
You decide if you just want to keep the bowl you paint, or have it auctioned off at the event. If you want to keep your bowl it will cost $25.00 so we don’t auction it off.
Watch for your bowl and the bowls from our party to be posted on 1000 Petaluma Bowls Facebook page.
As a “Community Artist” you get to come to the event for free. Come have a bowl of soup, see all the beautiful bowls, and pick up or bid on your bowl.
Finally, know that today by participating in this program at least one person was able to have access to the food they need.
Please bring $20 CASH to the event for your bowl.