The Idea Lounge

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

ART- Edwin Hamilton - “Stonemad: Ruminations on a 38-year Journey with Stone”

LIFE- Joe Kinyon - “Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mapping our Reach”

Our 2022 season is, once again, generously hosted by Barber Lee Spirits, 120 Washington Street, in downtown Petaluma. We convene the last Wednesday of each month.

Idea Lounge pairs two unlikely speakers musing on unrelated topics, then invites the audience to uncover unexpected connections through questions and continued conversation. One speaker is always from the arts in some form, the other not. The events last one hour, with each speaker presenting for 20 minutes and the audience getting equal time to ferret out the connective threads between two seemingly disparate topics.

Come join us for drinks and mingling at 6:30pm, and enjoy the program from 7:00- 8:00pm.

PAC members: $12. Non-members: $15.




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